Preparing for Your Telehealth Appointment
Congratulations on taking the first step toward improving your mental health. As new patients, we understand you may have questions and concerns. We have provided helpful tips to ensure a smooth and successful first appointment.
Note: Awaken Telepsychiatry is not an emergency service. Please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room for a psychiatric or medical emergency.
Completing the New Patient Packet
As a new patient, you must complete a New Patient Packet before your first appointment. This can be quickly achieved online, and there is no need to print anything. You will receive a link to our secure telehealth platform before your appointment.
Technical Assistance
If you experience any difficulties with the paperwork or connecting to the telehealth platform, please call us at +1(833)6638684 or email us at
Tips & Tricks for the Best Experience
We want to ensure your telehealth experience is as comfortable and seamless as possible. Here are some tips for a successful appointment:
1. Preparing Your Space
Here are a few ways to prepare your space:
- To create a comfortable and private space for your appointment, identify a room that is quiet, free of distractions, and private.
- Consider hanging a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door to minimize interruptions.
- Close any doors, shut windows, turn off the television, and keep loud pets in another room if possible.
2. Improving the Connection
Slow internet can significantly affect the quality of your telehealth appointment. We recommend using wired Ethernet instead of WiFi whenever possible to ensure a smoother, more consistent experience. If you must use WiFi, move closer to your router. We suggest closing other programs and avoiding downloading large files during the appointment. You can test your internet connection speed on Google by searching for “internet speed test” and clicking the blue button that says “Run Speed Test.”
3. Planning to Use A Desktop or Laptop? Follow These Steps.
No download is necessary before your appointment if you plan to use a desktop or laptop. Here are the simple steps to join:
- Approximately 10 minutes before your appointment, you will receive a reminder with a unique link. If you have not previously consented to receive text and email reminders, please provide your email and mobile phone number.
- Click the unique link in the reminder, and a new tab will open with your video call screen.
- If your provider has joined the call, you will see their face on the screen. If not, you will see yourself.
- Next, you will see the Welcome prompt. Click “Play test sound” to check your camera and microphone settings.
When ready, click “Join Video Call” to enter the video call.
4. Planning to Use A Smartphone? Follow These Steps.
If you plan to use a smartphone, follow these straightforward steps to join:
- Download the Telehealth by SimplePractice App ( iOS or Android) from the App Store.
- Approximately 10 minutes before your appointment, you should receive an email appointment reminder. Open the reminder on your mobile device and click the unique link. This will open the Telehealth by SimplePractice App.
- If your provider has joined the call, you will see their face on the screen. If not, you will see yourself.
When ready, click “Join Video Call” to enter the video call.
Embark On A Wellness Journey Today
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General Questions
Get answers to your questions with ease – check out our FAQ section on Awaken Telepsychiatry.
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is a method to provide personal health care over the internet. We can bring your provider to you using a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform.
Do I have to have special equipment?
No! You can participate in your appointment with almost any device. All you need is a smartphone, laptop, or tablet with a camera and an internet connection. No special equipment is required.
Will I be required to download software? I’m not very tech-savvy.
No special software or programs need to be downloaded! You will receive a link to download an app if you have a smartphone. This App helps to ensure that your appointment is private and secure. If you participate on a tablet or computer, you will click on a link. There is nothing to download.
Will this be a phone call? Can I see my provider?
This is a significant improvement and way more than a phone call! You will be connected with your provider for a face-to-face video visit, in the comfort of your home, just like in the office.
Can you see children? What about the elderly?
We provide services to patients of all ages, from as young as 5 to as old as 100 and every age in between. Some people are hesitant to try Telehealth, but once they do, they love it and wish they had found it sooner!
What is the benefit of Telehealth?
You get prompt and convenient care when participating in your appointment via our secure, HIPAA-compliant platform. No more traveling to an office and endless waiting in a waiting room! At Awaken Telepsychiatry, we value your time as much as you do. Your appointment will start promptly as scheduled! This means you no longer need to take much time off work or out of your day for healthcare appointments. No more sitting in traffic! We provide convenient and efficient appointments with flexible scheduling when possible.
Do I have to come to the office?
For most patients, the answer is no; you can participate from anywhere you feel comfortable. Some insurers do have different requirements for Telehealth. When that is the case, we will help you with that.
Is Telehealth private?
Like a face-to-face appointment, your Telehealth visit will be private and confidential. You can even meet in pajamas!
Will the appointments be recorded?
None of our appointments will ever be recorded or stored.
Will my provider and my care be as good as if I were to come to an office for a traditional appointment?
Absolutely, and hopefully, even more so! At Awaken Telepsychiatry, we pride ourselves on returning excellent customer service to health care. We do our best to ensure that your experience is pleasant and that you receive the highest quality, up-to-date, evidence-based medicine. Your provider will always take your time with your appointment. Our patients are valued and appreciated! Our staff strives to ensure you feel heard, cared about, and meet your needs.
I’m a bit hesitant. Can I set up a test call to see if it works for me?
Absolutely! Of course, we will gladly arrange a free test session to experience our great Telehealth platform and see if it suits you and your needs.
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Transforming America’s Mental Health
Embark On A Wellness Journey Today
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